Dear Parent / Carer
I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support; I know it has been another incredibly difficult year. You have all been so understanding and patient with us while we have had to establish the new ‘normal’ way of working which I can appreciate has been very challenging for some of our children.
The staff and I would like to thank you for all of your kind wishes and gifts; they really are greatly appreciated. I am sure you will join me in thanking the staff for all of their hard work during the year as it has been equally challenging for them but they are such an amazing team and really do put your children at the heart of everything they do.
A reminder that the children break up on Friday 16th July and return on Monday 6th September. I sincerely hope we are fully returning to ‘normal’ in September and we can have parents in School again for Stay and Play Sessions, Maths and English Cafes, Christmas Fairs and much more. Guidance from the Government suggests that this will be the case so this letter will explain some changes we are introducing from September to help us return to how we used to operate.
Lots of measures will no longer be needed for Covid-19 but rest assured we will still have a risk assessment in place to ensure children stay as safe as possible following all Government guidelines. Obviously the situation is ever changing and during the summer we may be issued with new guidance. If this is the case we will be in touch to let you know any changes before the children return.
There will be no class ‘bubbles’ from September so children in Classes 1, 2, 3 and 4 will all start School at 8:50am. We ask you to bring your child onto the yard no more than 5 minutes before this time and they line up next to their line number painted onto the yard. Teachers will then come and collect your child from the line and take them into Class. There will be a member of staff on the terrace gates with a clip board to take any messages that you may have for staff, please don’t pass messages on to the Teacher as they need to take children straight into School. If you need to speak to the Teacher then the member of staff on the yard will pass the message to their Teacher for you for either a call back, arrange a meeting or you may just want some information passing on.
Children will need to bring their PE kit with them on Monday 6th September (Green or black shorts, white T-shirt and plimsolls) They also need to bring a water bottle with them every day containing only water, no juice or flavoured water is allowed.
Your child should have brought home a menu for the hot lunches that we will be offering from September. Please return this by Friday 16th July or return the slip saying that you would like your child to bring a healthy packed lunch from home.
Breakfast Club will operate in the dining hall, with all classes in the same area; the children will enter via the main entrance. We are keeping the booking system as it is vital to help us ensure staffing ratios are correct. You were sent the form on Tuesday so please ensure this is completed by Friday 16th July at 11am otherwise your child will not be able to attend in the first week back.
Some staff are leaving us on Friday and I am sure you will join me in thanking them for their hard work and dedication and wish them well for the future – Mrs Finnigan, Mrs McCalvey, Miss Gibson, Mr Copus and Mrs McDevitte. We also welcome Mrs Scothern (KS1 Manager/Class 1 Teacher) and Mrs Smiles (Class 3 Lunchtime Supervisory Assistant) to the team at Grindon Infant School in September.
I would also like to thank the parents who took the time to complete our survey which was overwhelmingly positive. As a result we are going to review the information that we send you about the progress that your child is making as some parents requested more information throughout the year.
It is vital that we are still alerted to any positive case of Covid, up to and including Sunday 18th July so please email: grindon.infant@schools.sunderland.gov.uk if your has symptoms, goes for a PCR test or tests positive on a lateral flow test. The emails will be checked until the end Monday 19th July. If your child tests positive after this date then School do not need to be informed.
School will be closed until Monday 6th September so staff will not be picking up emails or answering the telephone until then.
From all the staff we hope you have a lovely summer break; we look forward to seeing some of you again in September and to those of you who are moving on to new schools, we wish you all the very best for the future.
Kind Regards
Mrs A Charlton
Head Teacher