Local Offer for Grindon Infant School – reviewed October 2024
Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Grindon Infant School, we follow a ‘whole school approach’ and have extremely dedicated staff members, who are committed to providing for all children, regardless of their level of need. Through clear communication with families, as well as with a range of agencies, we identify and meet each child’s needs on an individual level. Through quality first teaching, staff members are highly motivated to working towards the most positive outcome for each individual child.
The School has a notional budget this year of £148,393.94.
Key Contacts
- Head teacher: Mrs Charlton 0191 340 1931
- SENDCO: Mrs Crowther 0191 340 1931
- SEND Link Governor: Mrs Bramley 0191 340 1931
Find out more by visiting the Local Authorities Local Offer website.
If you would like to discuss your child’s SEND in more detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.