If you have a child with a Special Educational Need or Disability then you need to be familiar with SEND Ranges.
The SEND Ranges provide a core framework for all professionals working with the pupil and will give greater clarity for parents, families and carers in terms of what their child’s needs are, and what each child is receiving. They are based on the best practice covered by the Children and Families Act 2014. Descriptors are based on national best practice in determining the needs of pupils with SEND and are based on the four areas of the SEND Code of Practice (2014/15) They are also based on the ‘golden thread’; the graduated approach of:
They have been co-produced between education and SEND colleagues in other LAs incorporating parent, carer and family views. They provide a helpful reference point in relation to identifying level of need, and will support children and young people with additional needs with consistency across schools.
Please click on the link below to read the SEND Ranges document.