Governors work closely with Head Teachers, school staff and representatives from the local authority (LA).
Governors believe it is important that Governing Boards reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. Diverse Boards promote inclusive environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.
The Board collects data on the diversity of the Board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. That data is used to inform recruitment and training needs, accessibility and to ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.
Due to our relatively small Board we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.
The Clerk of the Governing Board, Mr William Harrison, can be contacted via email:
Governor Committee Structure
Name | Representing | Term of Office | Committee | Responsibilities | Register of Interests | Relationship to Staff |
Mrs Gillian Bramley - Chair | Co-opted | 01/12/22 - 01/12/26 | Personnel Appeals (Chair) Pupil Discipline (Chair) Complaints Performance Management (Review Officer) SISCo Policy Review | Inclusion/SEND English PE Safeguarding SFVS | none | |
Mrs Susan Johnson Vice Chair | Co-opted | 22/03/21 - 22/03/25 | Personnel Finance Performance Management SISCo Attendance | Arts/Music/RE | ||
Mrs Eleanor Robson Resigned 20/12/22 | Co-opted | Personnel (Chair) Complaints (Chair) Finance (Chair) Performance Management Premises /H&S(Chair) SISCo | Child Protection PHSE/RE Safer Recruitment Attendance Maths | Mrs E Jones- daughter |
Mrs Ruth Turner | Local Authority | 07/12/23 - 07/12/27 | Personnel Pupil Discipline Finance Policy Review Complaints | Science Computing | ||
Mrs Carolyn Young | Co-opted | 01/12/22 - 01/12/26 | Finance SISCo Policy Review | British Values/ Citizenship Early Years | Governor at Redby Academy | Family links to Dart Taxis |
Mrs Andrea Charlton | Head Teacher | 01/01/15 - ongoing | Finance Premises /H&S SISCo | |||
Mrs Daniela Matthews Term of Office ended | Staff | SISCo | ||||
Mrs Gillian Charlton | Observer | 19/01/17 - ongoing | Finance | |||
Mrs Jennifer Devine Resigned | Parent | |||||
Mr Mark Donkin Resigned | Parent | |||||
Mrs Lesley Bishop Resigned | Co-opted | Personnel Appeals Committee. Pupil Discipline Attendance Premises/Health and Safety SISCo | Early Years | |||
Mrs Gemma Goodey Disqualified | Parent | Personnel Appeals Committee. | Geography History Safeguarding Safer Recruitment | |||
Miss Mollie Marshall | Staff | 27/11/20 - 27/11/24 | Premises/Health& Safety | |||
Mrs S Turner Resigned | Parent | 20/04/21 - 19/04/25 | ||||
Miss A Dixon | Parent | 11/10/21 - 08/10/25 | ||||
Mrs Karen Noble Resigned | Parent | Finance Personnel SISCo | Geography History | |||
Ms Deborah Richardson | Co- opted | 20/06/24 - 20/06/28 | ||||
Vacancy | Co- opted | |||||
Vacancy | Parent |
Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies
Grindon Infant School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department for Education. This means that governing boards must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. For further information please view or download the full document below.
The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)
Governor Attendance
Schools are required to display a record of Governor attendance at meetings for each school academic year.
✓ – Attended meeting
A/A – Apologies sent and accepted by meeting
N – Did not attend
n/a – Not a member of the committee
Record of Attendance 2024-2025
Name | SISCO Meeting 10/10/24 | Personnel Meeting 17/10/24 | Finance Meeting 07/11/24 | Full Governing Board Termly Meeting 12/12/24 | SISCO Meeting 16/01/25 | Finance Meeting 06/03/25 | Full Governing Board Termly Meeting 03/04/25 | SISCO Meeting 15/05/25 | Finance Meeting 05/06/25 | Full Governing Board Termly Meeting 19/06/25 | SISCO Meeting 10/07/25 | Health and Safety/Premises Meeting 17/07/25 | |||
Mrs G Bramley | n/a | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||
Mrs S Johnson | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||
Mrs A Charlton | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||
Mrs R Turner | A/A | A/A | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||
Mrs M Marshall | ✓ | n/a | n/a | ✓ | |||||||||||
Mrs C Young | A/A | n/a | ✓ | ✓ | |||||||||||
Miss Adele Dixon | ✓ | n/a | n/a | ✓ | |||||||||||
Ms Deborah Richardson | ✓ | n/a | n/a | A/A |
Archived Attendance
You can also view previous years attendance on our website.
Committee Terms of Reference
(Part 1 – Summary)
Full Governing Board
- Must approve the first formal budget plan of the financial year
- should consider a draft budget put together by the Headteacher/members of the Finance Committee
- should decide priorities according to the agreed school plan
- should approve all purchases of goods or services above the value as set out in part
- should approve all virements above the value as set out in part 2
- should retain an oversight of the school’s budget position by either receiving appropriate financial reports or by approving the minutes of finance committee meetings where such matters have been discussed
Finance Committee
- Should regularly monitor the progress of the budget using financial information supplied by the Headteacher, supplemented by Authority financial reports
- should agree with the Headteacher, the type and depth of information to be provided to allow adequate budget monitoring
- should approve all purchases of goods or services above the value as set out in part 2
- should approve all virements above the value as set out in part 2
The Finance Committee will also wish to have some input into the preparation of the draft budget and will make recommendations to the full Governing Body regarding the initial school budget each year
NOTE – As this is a committee with delegated powers, a Clerk to the Committee should be appointed and minutes must be considered by the full Governing Body at a subsequent meeting
Head Teacher
- The Headteacher has delegated responsibility to incur expenditure on goods or services as set out in part 2.
- The Headteacher can vire monies between budget codes up the value as set out in part 2
- Shall regularly monitor the school’s approved budget, taking action wherever necessary to ensure that the budget remains on course throughout the financial year. The Headteacher shall report significant variances to the Governing Body.
- The Headteacher shall report to members of the Governing Body’s Finance Committee on a termly basis and to the Governing Body as required. Such reports shall include a statement of the school’s current budget position, as set out by governors.
- Shall prepare draft information on the initial school budget and annual budget plan for consideration by the Finance Committee and Governing Body.
Part 1 – Summary
The Whole Governing Board
Should consider, and agree, a staffing structure (both teaching and non-teaching staff) put together by the Headteacher and management team.
The full Governing Body will take policy decisions relating to
– staffing complement and structure
– strategy to be followed in respect of a whole school pay policy
– the redundancy, grievance, disciplinary and capability procedures to be followed
The full Governing Body will determine the delegation of powers (where permissible) and the membership of the committees/selection panels with delegated powers.
The full Governing Body must accept the resignation of Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher and take the decision to proceed with such appointments. Ratification of the appointment of Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher is the responsibility of the full Governing Body.
The full Governing Body will perform duties as set out in part 2.
The Selection Panel
After the full Governing Body have considered the appointment of a Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher the Selection Panel will shortlist and interview for posts of Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher. Where determined by the full Governing Body the Selection Panel will consider advertisement, job description, person specification and timetable for such appointments. The Selection Panel will recommend a candidate for appointment to the full Governing Body.
The Personnel Committee
The Personnel committee shall be responsible for considering cases of staff discipline, dismissal, capability and grievance as set out in part 2.
The Personnel Committee will consider salary issues (including regrading) as set out in part 2.
Where determined by the full Governing Body the Personnel Committee will be responsible for the appointment of staff (see part 2)
Performance Management
There will be two or three appointed governors who are responsible for setting and reviewing performance management objectives for the Headteacher. These governors will then make a recommendation to the Personnel Committee regarding the annual pay award. The Headteacher will be responsible for all other performance management reviews in the school and will make a recommendation to the Personnel Committee regarding salary progression.
The Governing Body will also appoint a Review Officer responsible for hearing any complaints about the performance management process. This will be the Chair of Governors unless the Chair has been involved in the Headteacher’s performance management review at an earlier stage. In these cases the Governing Body shall appoint one or more Review Officers.
Appeals Committee
The appeals committee will consider appeals against the decision of the initial personnel committee as set out in part 2
It is important to note that members of this committee must not have had any involvement in any matter connected to the original case e.g. at personnel/staffing committee level.
The Appeals Committee must consist of at least the same number of governors as the committee which originally considered the case.
Head Teacher
The Headteacher shall perform duties as set out in part 2 where delegated to do by the full Governing Body.
The Headteacher shall have no involvement in consideration of his/her own salary or the appointment of his/her successor
Other than the Head Teacher, governors who are employed at the School shall have no involvement in the consideration of any aspect of pay or appraisal of any school employee.
You can view the Terms of Reference document below which also contains Financial Responsibilities chart information.
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