Home Learning
Following the Government’s announcement on Monday 4th January Grindon Infant School has closed to most children until at least 8th March.
All children are entitled to a high quality education and whilst your child is absent from school their Class Teacher will deliver home learning via the Website, MarvellousMe and Purplemash. If you do not have internet access we can support with this so please contact us.
The work your child will be assigned is new learning from their current year group curriculum. This work will be very similar to work children would be completing if they were in school as we teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in School. We expect the home learning to take children broadly around 3 hours each day, less for our younger children in Nursery and Reception.
Their Class Teacher will assign your child a daily phonics, English, Maths and Topic activity. Spellings and handwriting will be a weekly task. There will be a mix of resources available; recorded teaching(videos to watch), games/activities on Purplemash and some may be paper based activities. Reminders for daily activities will be sent via MarvellousMe daily. This will ensure your child continues their age appropriate education and does not fall behind in their learning.
We recognise that some children may not have suitable online access at home so we prepare paper based packs which are available to collect at the School Office.
Please ensure you have logged into your parent account on MarvellousMe using your unique parent code which was sent to at the beginning of the school year. Teachers will be available throughout the day to support and answer any queries via email.
Please send all completed work to the year group email and Teachers will respond with feedback for your child daily:
Nursery- gis.nursery@schools.sunderland.gov.uk
Reception – gis.reception@schools.sunderland.gov.uk
Year 1 – gis.year1@schools.sunderland.gov.uk
Year 2 – gis.year2@schools.sunderland.gov.uk
You can also use these email addresses to ask Teachers questions or ask for additional support; the staff are more than happy to help in any way they can. If you do not have internet access you can bring your child’s work back when you collect the paper pack for the following week and Teachers will then provide feedback for your child. You can also request telephone calls with Teachers via the School Office if you can’t email your questions.
Teachers are here to support parents during this difficult time and will be keeping in touch with parents via email and telephone. We are expecting all children to participate in home learning and for parents and carers to send this in to Teachers for them to view and be able to provide feedback. Teachers are monitoring engagement in home learning and will be telephoning if work is not being completed to offer support and advice for helping your child.
We recognise that some children, for example some children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)and younger children may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families and we will work with parents and carers to support those children by ensuring that children have enough scaffolds and support e.g. Teacher videos, phonics mats and so on or by providing differentiated work. Please contact us of you require any additional support with anything. There is a very good website which offers SEND resources, activities and support to help you and your family during lockdown: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh9v382
Please contact us if you are self-isolating and we will ensure paper based packs are delivered for you.
Please contact us via the ‘contact us’ page on our website if you need either the parent code for MarvellousMe, password for Purplemash or if you have any other queries. Many thanks for your continued support.