Dear Parents and Carers,
Red Nose Day
19 March 2021
The last 12 months have been incredibly tough for all of us, but we’re so proud of how our pupils have managed. As parents and carers, you’ve also had your lives turned upside down, and we’re so grateful for all of your efforts at home.
I am sure you agree that we all deserve some fun and laughter! Grindon Infant School will be taking part in Red Nose Day on Friday 19 March. We can’t wait to raise a smile and some life-changing money for Comic Relief!
Our theme for this year is ‘Superheroes’. As we are all aware, superheroes can come in many forms, and we have all seen the work of many unsung heroes during the past year, such as doctors, shop workers, scientists and fundraisers. Your child may, if they wish, come to school dressed as a superhero of their choice, in Red Nose day t-shirts or in non-uniform on Friday 19th March.
We are asking for voluntary contributions of £1 per child to go to Comic Relief. This can be paid straight to Comic Relief or you can bring your £1 and you can leave this in a bucket that we will leave at the school gate. However much or little we raise, we’ll be helping change lives in the UK and across the world.
As well as taking the opportunity to be part of something positive, we’ll be using Red Nose Day as a learning opportunity. We’ll explore the issues facing young people across the world, and how the money we raise can help. We will have lots of fun activities planned for the day too!
Thank you so much everyone for your support.