Dear Parent / Carer
I am sure you have all heard that the Government have asked Schools to prepare for all children returning on 8th March. We are very excited about this and hope that you are also happy with the news and that the children are looking forward to seeing their friends and Teachers and returning to some kind of normal!
We are all extremely busy now planning this return and looking forward to some fun and exciting learning opportunities in the coming months. We completely understand that some children and parents may be anxious about this and we are here to support you. Teachers will be making telephone calls next week to all children who are not currently attending School to speak to them about the return and how they are feeling about this and to offer our support.
As always, at Grindon Infant School we will proceed with great care as we don’t want to be in a position where we have to close again so we would appreciate you strictly adhering to all of our requests to keep everyone as safe as possible.
We were extremely satisfied with measures we had in place before the closure so will be reinstating all of these until at least the Easter holidays when the Government will issue new guidance. We are also in the process of writing new risk assessments so some extra measures may also be added to keep us all as safe as possible in these difficult times.
What are the arrangements for drop off and collection?
The following times are for each Class and we ask you to be prompt and maintain a 2 metre distance between staff and other parents. All adults dropping children off must wear a face mask and remember only one adult per child on the yard.
Class | Drop off time | Collection Time | Breakfast Club start time |
Two Year Old Provision | 12:30pm | 3:30pm | |
Nursery –am only | 8:30am | 11:30pm | 8:25am |
Nursery – pm only | 12:15pm | 3:15pm | |
Nursery – 30 hours | 8:30am | 3:15pm | 8:25am |
Reception(Class 5 and 6) | 8:40am | 2:40pm | 8:25am |
Class 1 | 8:45am | 2:45pm | 8:20am |
Class 2 | 8:50am | 2:50pm | |
Class 3 | 8:55am | 2:55pm | 8:15am |
Class 4 | 9:00am | 3:00pm |
What does my child need to wear and bring to School?
As before, full uniform is to be worn. Nothing is to be brought in from home e.g. water bottles, bags, lunch boxes; everything your child needs will be provided by School. On PE days please send your child to School in their PE kit and remember PE is likely to be taught outside so tracksuit bottoms and a hoody would be helpful.
What will my child have for lunch?
As before, all children will be provided with a free, hot packed lunch each day which they will eat in their own designated area. Up until Easter we are not allowing packed lunches from home but we hope to review this with the new guidance and possibly allow this after the Easter holiday.
Will you be running clubs?
We will continue with our breakfast club bubbles as we know this supports working parents but we will not be running any after school clubs in the near future. Breakfast Club MUST be booked in advance via our form that is sent out the week before by text message; applications after the form closes will not be accepted. Please bring the money for the week in an envelope clearly labelled with your child’s name. No late admissions to Breakfast Club will be allowed as the other bubbles will be coming in to start their school day. If you have not received a text please do not bring your child to breakfast club. Please also ensure we have your most recent contact telephone number.
What will my child be learning?
The Teachers will be supporting your child when they first return with their well-being and identifying where the children are and what gaps they may have. Teaching will then be adapted to address these areas. Interventions will also be put in place to support children who need some extra support. Children will be taught the full curriculum from the point home learning stops on Friday. We will also supply homework activities to close gaps and ask you to please support your child with this.
How will I be able to contact the Teacher?
As before we ask you not to speak to Teachers at the gate but please continue to use the year group emails set up during lockdown to communicate with your child’s Class Teacher. You can also contact them via telephone. Please be aware that you will not get an immediate response as they will be teaching your children during the day.
Will there be events and visitors in School?
As before, there will not be any events out of School. We will also not be bringing visitors into School unless for exceptional/ essential reason-this decision will be made by the Head Teacher. We hope that this will change as we become more assured that we are safe as visitors both in and out of School enhance children’s learning.
How safe will my child be?
We will be maintaining the class bubbles and they have their own designated yard space for playing. Staff are now testing themselves twice weekly and reporting their results to me immediately. Around School, adults are maintaining 2 metre distancing wherever possible. We ask for your continued support and ask that you only send your child to School if they are fit and well. If they have any Covid-19 symptoms, please arrange a test and inform School. Thorough risk assessments are being completed and will be checked by the Council Health and Safety Team before School reopens. Although there are no guarantees, I can promise we are doing everything possible to keep everyone as safe as they can be.
Will there be outdoor learning?
Yes! We will be making the most of outdoor learning so please ensure your child has suitable clothing each day, appropriate for the weather.
Please contact us if have any other questions or concerns and we will be happy to help.
Finally I would just like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your support for our team at Grindon Infant School. I would like to pay tribute to those parents who have supported their children with home learning; I know this has not been easy but you have stood the children in excellent stead for their return to School. The messages of support and positive feedback that you have given to us, particularly through our home learning survey, have been appreciated more than we can say.
I am sure you will join me in thanking the staff for working so tirelessly to deliver the best education possible remotely to such young children and provide you with the support to do so. The staff will continue to work extremely hard to ensure all learning is high quality and appropriate in the safest way possible as well as keeping the children happy. We just can’t wait to have our School family back together again!
Stay safe and kind regards
Mrs A Charlton
Head Teacher