Healthy Living
At Grindon Infant School we strongly believe that our pupils need to be safe and healthy. We provide all pupils with fruit each day to encourage healthy eating. Pupils are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school each day.
Our Latest Menu
You can view our latest menu here:
Lunchtime Arrangements
We encourage all pupils to have a school meal which is now free to all of our pupils however some of our pupils still choose to bring a packed lunch. The school’s packed lunch policy is available at the School Office or on our website.
- Please ensure that the packed lunch is placed in a neat box, labelled with your child’s name and class.
- All pupils are given a drink of water.
If you send your child to school with a packed lunch please note that we do not have special storage areas for packed meals.
Please note if your child would like to change from School Meals to Packed lunch or vice versa, School require 1 weeks’ notice- please contact the School Office.ย
Free School Meals
Some families would have been eligible to receive free school meals. Please let us know if this applies to you as extra funding is available to the school for the benefit of these children.
Application forms and further information are available either from
Children’s Services, Awards’ Department
Sandhill Centre
0191 561 1417
or telephone the school office.
Lunchtime Clubs
We currently hold the following lunchtime clubs:
- Maths
- Reading